Maryann McAllen
Meet Maryann

Photo by Pictures in Pixels Photography- Colleen Katz @picturesinpixelsaz
As a proud 59-year resident of Scottsdale, I have spent the entirety of my youth and adulthood building up my surrounding community. As a young child, my parents led by example and taught me to give back. Giving back to Scottsdale is why I chose to run for City Council.
My husband Sam and I have been married for 31 years. We've had the pleasure of raising our four children in Scottsdale, and all that goes with being involved; supporting our Schools, being involved in Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, our Church, National Charity League, Yes to Children, East Scottsdale Little League, Scottsdale Soccer, PTO’s, and lots of Parks and Recreation Activities.
My love for my community and serving it has been my passion. Servant Leadership is a way of life for my husband and me. Serving on the City Council is a natural fit.
The City of Scottsdale is where we met, worked, and married. I have seen so much change over the years. I love my city, and I will continue to support my community by keeping Scottsdale the beautiful and vibrant place it is.
Civic Leadership
Arizona Senior Olympics Board of Directors, Past Chair
Scottsdale Leadership Class XII
Arizona State University Advanced Public Executives Program
City of Scottsdale Parks and Recreation Commissioner, Past Chair
City of Scottsdale Paths and Trails Transportation Commission Sub-Committee
National Charity League, Chapter Past President, National District Coordinator
SUSD Bond Oversite Committee
SUSD Parent Marketing Committee
SUSD Communications Committee
Scottsdale Parent Council
Site Council (Pueblo, Mohave, Saguaro)
Yes to Children, Executive Committee
Coronado Foundation for the Future, Board President
East Scottsdale Little League, Board of Directors
Cactus Pine Girl Scout Council Leader, 12 Years
Saguaro High School - Parent Teacher Organization, Past President
Mohave Middle School- Parent Teacher Organization, Past President
Pueblo Elementary School- Parent Teacher Organization, Past President
Kiva Elementary School- Parent Teacher Organization, VP
Phoenix Children’s Hospital, EGID Chair
Women’s Collective, Founding Member